Network Terminology is general term refers to all the components involved in getting computers and other types of hardware to talk to each other.
Network Terminology all parts
1. Network Nodes
Computer system connected to a network are termed as network nodes.
2. Network Device
A Network Device is a Hardware component that is required for connecting computers in a network it links the network together to enable communication and controls the data traffic between the network nodes, Bridge, Hub, Switch and Router are some of example of such network devices.
3. Network Interface
A Network interface is a point of connection between a call computer and a network, it is basically a component that contains all the hardware required to connect a computing device to a network.
4. Network Interface Card
Network interface card (NIC) is an electronic circuit card that is required to connect any computer to a Network it control data communication between the network nodes and the internet.
It is required for both wired and wireless network.
5. MAC Address
It is a full form of MAC address media access control Address.
It is a computer unique 48 - bits hardware address assigned to the Network interface card.
The NIC manufacturer assigns MAC
addresses into the local area network (LAN) and for wired network and WiFi card for wired network ethernet is an example of a wired network , MAC address is also termed as ethernet address on an ethernet LAN.
addresses into the local area network (LAN) and for wired network and WiFi card for wired network ethernet is an example of a wired network , MAC address is also termed as ethernet address on an ethernet LAN.
6. IP Address
It is full form of IP Address To Internet Protocol Address.
IP Address is 32 - bits Address to each node or computer in a transfer student internet protocol (TCP/IP) Network.
IP address help in identifying a particular node in a network of nodes for data communication.
7. Network Ports
A Network port is a unique number of a network process or application to which a web or network is required to be delivered.
It usually a 16 - bit port number.
8. URL
It is full form of URL Uniform Resource Locator.
URL is a web address assigned to a resource it specifies it's location on the network of networks.
9. WWW
It is full form of WWW or W3, Word Wide Web.
World wide Web is a database of information on the internet where webpage are interconnected with hypertext links.
10. Network Gateway
A Gateway is a network node that connects two network with different protocols.
A network gateway can either be hardware and software or combination of both.
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