What is network?

What is a Networks ?

What is a Network 
What is Network : A Computer Networks is defined as the interconnection of two or more computer or devices.

  • Group of 
    computers or any other devices there are connected with each other by some times of transmission media such as a Videos, images , music etc..

  • Sharing of expensive softwares and database.
  • Communication from one computer to another's computer
  • Exchange of data and information among users via network
  • Sharing of  information over geographically wide area.

Types of Networks

Types of Networks

There are comennly six types of Networks :
  1. LAN (Local Area Network)
  2. Man (Metropolitan Area Network)
  3. WAN (Wide Area Network)
  4. CAN (Campus Area Network)
  5. PAN (Personal Area Network)
  6. SAN (Storage Area Network)

1. LAN (Local Area Network)

  • Local Area Network (LAN) is a Network that connects computer or devices in limited Geographical.
  • LAN is used in Home, School , Office Building or Closely Positioned group of building.
  • LAN all machines are connected to a single cables.

2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

  • It can cover an entire city or town data communication.
  • You can interconnection computers, devices or network in a single Network using LAN .
  • It can be a privately or publicly owned Network.

3. WAN (Wide Area Network)

  • A wide Area Network (WAN) is a computer Network that covers a large geographical area such as a country or spans even intercontinental distances.
  • WAN Network Spans over a large distances or when the computer to be connected to each other are at widely separated location a LAN cannot be used a WAN is installed.

4. PAN (Person Area Network)

  • PAN is used for personal data intercommunication.
  • It generally consists of a mobile , computer, a cell phone or personal digital assistant. PAN enable the communication among these devices.
  • PAN may include wired and wireless Devices.
  • Wireless PAN are Bluetooth.

5. CAN (Campus Area Network)

  • The Campus Area Network is made up of an interconnection of LAN with limited Geographical area.
  • Network equipment such as switches, router and the transmission media.

6. SAN (Storage Area Network)

  • A Storage Area Network (SAN) is a network designed to attach computer storage devices such as disk array controller and tape libraries to servers.
  • Storage Area Network provides high availability improve data storage management and reduce cost.
  • Enable storage virtual and improve data backup.

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